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Mother and Baby




Solution-Focused Therapy Services, LLC

EMDRIA Certified EMDR Therapist

I have been practicing since 2007 and was previously professionally licensed in Colorado and Maryland. My academic background includes a degree in Forensic Psychology from the University of Denver and an undergraduate degree in Psychology from Mount St. Mary’s University.

Before establishing Solution-Focused Therapy Services, I provided therapy in various settings, including non-profit mental health centers and correctional facilities. I have experience working with children, adolescents, families, and adults dealing with a wide range of mental health and behavioral issues.

Laci's Class​


Class Title



In case you're interested, here are two samples of a pricing strategy two other providers are using...


Mamistad Members use code: "Mamistad + your group number" for a

20% discount after membership confirmation.

GROUP BONUS: if 3 or more members of your group have taken this class, you can request a

group Q&A with Laci via Zoom.

Register HERE.


  • Regular Class Price: $275

  • Individual Mamistad Member Price: $250 ($25 discount w/Code: "Mamistad + your group number")

  • Mamistad Group Price: $225 ($50/member discount when 3 or more group members sign up). Click HERE to request a group class if at least 3 other members of your Mamistad group are interested.

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